AI Advantage Academy Giveaway

Not an April Fools Joke

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter! It’s a beautiful Monday, a quarter of the way through the year already. How many of you are on pace to crush the goals you set out at the beginning of the year? I hope that gets you thinking because time waits for no one.

If you missed my special announcement yesterday, I want to make sure you all know that I have created an elite community with @socialtypro and to show you all how to properly monetize and make money online. This was a direct response to our followers wanting something more hands-on. The beauty of the AI Advantage Academy is that the community is only $20/monthly. That’s sacrificing two days of Starbucks. Idk about y’all but Starbucks has never shown me how to make money.

My giveaways will be moved to the community, and to kick us off we have an awesome giveaway. See below

We’re thrilled to have you to have you be a part of this great journey. This is your first stop in making meaningful connections within the AI Advantage community. It’s all about getting to know each other, sharing your journeys, and building a network of support and inspiration.

The top 10 members on the leaderboard at the end of May will receive the following prizes:

🥇1st Place: $200 USD + Free Private Mentorship Session + Valuable Surprise

🥈2nd Place: $100 USD+ Free Private Mentorship Session + Valuable Surprise

🥉 3rd Place: $50 USD + Free Private Mentorship Session + Valuable Surprise

🏆4th-5th Place: $25 USD + Free Private Mentorship Session + Valuable Surprise